For individuals who have faced unsuccessful attempts
at conception with their own eggs,
egg donation presents a viable choice.



Through the process of IVF with donated eggs, carefully selected from anonymous donors, fertilization occurs using the patient's partner's sperm. This transformative method offers hope to women unable to conceive with their own eggs, granting them the opportunity to experience the joy of having their biological child.



1) Women aged 40 and above

2) Women experiencing primary ovarian insufficiency or absence of ovaries

3) Women with a limited quantity or low-quality eggs


Egg donation is legally regulated in the Czech Republic, ensuring rigorous oversight. Our donors are carefully screened young women aged 18-32, undergoing comprehensive medical assessments to evaluate their physical and mental well-being.

Our expert doctors will select a suitable donor based on the questionnaire you completed. While maintaining the donor's anonymity (including age, appearance, interests, and blood type), you will receive non-identifying information.

Egg donors receive compensation for reasonable expenses incurred during the donation process.

Ideally, the entire journey, from the initial consultation to a positive pregnancy test, takes approximately two months.





Your partner will visit the clinic on the same day as the donor's egg retrieval to provide a fresh sperm sample. Alternatively, if previously agreed upon, we can utilize your partner's frozen sperm sample.

The ICSI method, involving the direct injection of sperm into the egg for fertilization, is employed.

Simultaneously with the donor's egg retrieval, you will begin taking an additional female hormone called progestogen.


After fertilization, the embryos embark on a journey of division and growth.

In the laboratory, embryos can undergo culture for a maximum of 120 hours (5 days) before they are either transferred to the uterus or cryopreserved for future use.

The optimal timing for embryo transfer will be determined by the skilled embryologist, considering factors such as the number, development, and quality of the embryos.

Any remaining high-quality embryos will be preserved through freezing, offering potential opportunities for future utilization.


Utilizing a thin, flexible catheter (tube) guided by ultrasound, the embryo or embryos are gently transferred into the uterus.

This procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia.

The embryos are delicately injected into the uterine cavity along with a small amount of liquid (culture medium).

Following the transfer, you will rest in bed for approximately 10-15 minutes before being discharged from the clinic.






(1 DAY)

(2 DAYS)



Get in touch with us today!


What mandatory examinations do donors undergo?
What is the usual age of donors?
What criteria are used to select egg donors and what information can I find out about them?
Is the donor’s blood type important?
Is it good that donors are anonymous?
How long does it take to select a suitable donor? What are the waiting times?
Is the egg donation program suitable for me?
What are the advantages of egg donation compared to other fertility treatments?
What is the success rate for egg donation?
Are there any risks or side effects with egg donation treatment?
Are there any waiting lists for this treatment?
How many visits to the clinic are required?
How many days do I need to stay in the Czech Republic for?
Can we know in advance the exact dates on which the egg collection and embryo transfer will be performed?
Why is it recommended to freeze sperm on the first visit to the clinic?
How many days of sexual abstinence are required keep before the treatment?
Do I need to take any medication for the treatment?
What tests and analysis are required prior to commencing the treatment? Can I have them done in the clinic? Can I bring them from my home country if I have already had them done?
How many eggs are usually collected and how many embryos will I have?
Are the eggs frozen before fertilisation or are they used whilst they are fresh?
Can the remaining embryos be frozen?
What happens if no eggs are collected from the donor?
Can I choose the donor? Will I get any information about her? How is she selected?
Is it possible for the egg donor to discover the identity of any children born as a result of her egg donation?
Is there any form of monetary compensation for egg donors?
Is it possible to select the sex of the embryo to be transferred?
When can I take the first pregnancy test?
Can we have sexual intercourse after sperm insemination?
Is egg donation an option for single mothers?

What mandatory examinations do donors undergo?

Donors undergo a thorough series of mandatory examinations, including:

An assessment of overall health, including BMI measurement

Comprehensive gynecological examination

Evaluation of family medical history

Genetic testing of the donor's blood

Interview conducted by a geneticist

Testing for sexually transmitted diseases

What is the usual age of donors?

Donors are usually aged 20-30. According to Czech laws, women up to the age of 35 can donate their eggs. We also have some donors who are over the age of 30, but have already successfully donated eggs, i.e., the recipients are pregnant or have already given birth to healthy children. These successful donors can continue to donate even after the age of 30.

What criteria are used to select egg donors and what information can I find out about them?

Egg donors are chosen based on specific criteria, ensuring a careful selection process.

While donation remains anonymous, we can provide you with non-identifying details such as the year of birth, blood type, eye color, hair color, height, weight, and educational background of the donor.

Is the donor’s blood type important?

The blood type and Rh factor of the donor do not impact the treatment's success.

For women with a negative Rh factor during pregnancy, immunoglobulin is administered to prevent the production of antibodies against the D antigen.

Is it good that donors are anonymous?

Absolutely. The importance of donor anonymity is evident from the experiences of countries that have abolished it, such as the United Kingdom, which now face a shortage of egg and sperm donors.

With mutual anonymity between donors and recipients, there is no possibility for the biological parent (egg or sperm donor) to make any future claims on your child. This safeguard ensures that the child remains unaffected by such circumstances.

Under the current laws of the Czech Republic, a child conceived through donated eggs or sperm does not have the right to learn the identity of their biological parent(s), even after turning 18. This further strengthens the commitment to donor anonymity.

How long does it take to select a suitable donor? What are the waiting times?

With our extensive database of over 2000 active donors, the process of selecting a suitable donor is remarkably swift.

Typically, it takes approximately 2 months to identify a suitable donor, which includes the synchronization of her menstrual cycle with the recipient's.

Is the egg donation program suitable for me?

The egg donation program is designed for women facing fertility challenges that remain unresolved despite attempting other assisted reproduction techniques using their own eggs, such as IVF.
This treatment is particularly recommended for older women, those with reproductive disorders, or individuals with genetic abnormalities that may be passed on to their offspring.

Notably, for women over the age of 43 aspiring to become mothers, egg donation stands as the most effective assisted reproduction technique.

What are the advantages of egg donation compared to other fertility treatments?

Opting for egg donation brings about the highest pregnancy rate, presenting numerous additional advantages. Notably, it eliminates the need for hormonal stimulation treatments involving daily injections, streamlining the process.

Moreover, pregnancies resulting from egg donation exhibit a lower risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities associated with the patient's age.

What is the success rate for egg donation?

We boast commendably high success rates, with approximately a 53% chance of achieving successful childbirth per cycle through their egg donation treatment.

Are there any risks or side effects with egg donation treatment?

No. Egg donation treatment is a non-invasive procedure that does not involve ovarian stimulation, injections, sedation, or anesthesia. The entire process is painless and gentle.

Are there any waiting lists for this treatment?

We take pride in having no waiting lists for our services. You can easily get in touch with us via phone or email, and we will gladly schedule an appointment at your convenience.

How many visits to the clinic are required?

We advise undergoing two consultations during the egg donation treatment process. The initial visit is conducted before commencing the treatment, while the second visit is reserved for the embryo transfer. However, we understand that some individuals might face difficulties in making two visits. Therefore, we offer the flexibility for you to attend only once, primarily to provide a semen sample, which will be used to fertilize the eggs obtained from the donor, assuming you are not using donor sperm. The embryo transfer will take place at a later date.

During your first clinic visit, our doctor will carefully review your medical history, thoroughly explaining the treatment process to you. Additionally, a gynaecological examination and a test embryo transfer will be performed. The test transfer allows us to select the most suitable catheter for your embryo transfer procedure. If you haven't already done so, necessary tests can be carried out during this visit. Furthermore, for your convenience, your partner can leave a semen sample, which will be frozen for later use. This facilitates the fertilization of the donor-collected eggs, ensuring they are ready for the embryo transfer during your second clinic visit. 

How many days do I need to stay in the Czech Republic for?

During the first consultation, a single-day visit is all that is required.

However, for the second visit, which involves the embryo transfer, the duration of your stay will vary depending on whether you are using fresh sperm, frozen sperm, or donor sperm.

1. If you are utilizing fresh sperm, you will need to stay for approximately 7 days. This duration includes one or two days of rest after the embryo transfer.

2. In the case of frozen sperm or donor sperm, your stay will be shorter, around 3 days. Similar to the fresh sperm scenario, it is advisable to schedule one or two days of resting time after the embryo transfer.

This approach allows us to accommodate various treatment options and ensure that you have the necessary time for successful embryo transfer and recovery, based on your specific circumstances. 

Can we know in advance the exact dates on which the egg collection and embryo transfer will be performed?

The Doctor will arrange your treatment schedule for a specific week, providing you with a 7-8 day window during which both the egg collection and embryo transfer procedures will occur.

With this information, you can plan and book your trip accordingly.

However, please note that the exact day of the egg collection will be confirmed only a few days before the scheduled week. Rest assured, as soon as we have this information, we will promptly notify you.

In rare instances, there might be a slight possibility of the egg collection being slightly advanced or postponed. Should this occur, we will notify you as soon as possible, allowing you to adjust and re-schedule your travel dates accordingly. Our priority is to keep you informed and make your experience as smooth as possible. 

Why is it recommended to freeze sperm on the first visit to the clinic?

Freezing sperm on the first visit to the clinic is a recommended option for added assurance and flexibility in the egg donation process. While it is not mandatory, we advise it because it serves as a backup plan. In case the man is unable to provide another semen sample on the day of egg collection due to unforeseen circumstances, having frozen sperm readily available allows us to proceed with the fertilization of the eggs collected from the donor without any delays.

Without frozen sperm, the alternative would be to freeze the eggs obtained from the donor. However, freezing eggs can be a more complex and delicate process compared to freezing sperm. By having frozen sperm in advance, we can mitigate potential challenges and ensure that the treatment timeline remains on track, providing you with the best possible chance of a successful outcome. 

How many days of sexual abstinence are required keep before the treatment?

Before providing his semen sample, it is advised for the man to observe a period of 2 days of sexual abstinence. It's important to note that this 2-day abstinence period should be upheld not only for semen sample collection during the treatment but also before the first visit to the clinic, particularly if there is a desire to freeze a semen sample. Following this recommendation will ensure the optimal quality and viability of the semen sample, whether for immediate use or for preservation as a backup option.

Do I need to take any medication for the treatment?

Indeed, as part of the egg donation treatment, you will be required to take medication that prepares your uterus for receiving the embryos. This step is essential to create a favorable environment for successful embryo implantation. Rest assured, the treatment process is straightforward and non-invasive, designed to be as gentle as possible. Our goal is to make the experience as smooth and comfortable as we can while maximizing the chances of a positive outcome. Our team will provide you with all the necessary support and information throughout the treatment journey.

What tests and analysis are required prior to commencing the treatment? Can I have them done in the clinic? Can I bring them from my home country if I have already had them done?

Both you and your partner will be required to undergo specific blood screening tests, including Hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis, and Hepatitis C. Additionally, both of you will need to have your blood group tested. Furthermore, your partner will need to undergo a karyotype test, which examines the chromosomes, and a Cystic fibrosis test. Moreover, a semen analysis will be necessary for your partner.

You have the flexibility to have these tests performed either at our clinic or in your home country. If you choose to get tested in your home country, kindly provide us with the test results. It's essential to note that the blood screening tests and semen analysis should be conducted no longer than six months before starting the treatment.

This ensures that the information is current and helps in crafting the most suitable treatment plan for your unique needs. Our medical team is available to guide you through the testing process and answer any questions you may have to ensure a smooth and successful treatment journey. 

How many eggs are usually collected and how many embryos will I have?

The quantity of oocytes obtained from each donor varies based on their individual response to the treatment. At our clinic, our donors, who are healthy young women between 18 to 29 years old, typically produce a substantial number of eggs, averaging around 10 per donor. Moreover, it's important to note that our clinic follows a policy where each egg donor is exclusively dedicated to your fertility treatment, meaning all the eggs collected from your selected donor will be reserved for your treatment alone.

As for the number of embryos, it is influenced by several factors, including the quantity and quality of both the oocytes and the sperm involved in the fertilization process. While we cannot predict the exact number of embryos in advance, it's reassuring to know that our clinic maintains a high average fertilization rate, approximately 70-75%. This signifies a strong likelihood of successful embryo development and further enhances your chances of a positive treatment outcome. Rest assured, our medical team will closely monitor and guide you throughout the process, optimizing the treatment to maximize your chances of success. 

Are the eggs frozen before fertilisation or are they used whilst they are fresh?

Following egg collection, the fertilization process takes place within a few hours. To enhance the success rate of the treatment, our clinic avoids freezing the eggs and instead utilizes fresh eggs for fertilization.

By fertilizing the eggs shortly after collection, we can optimize the conditions for embryo development, leading to improved success rates compared to using frozen eggs. Our priority is to provide you with the best possible chance of a successful outcome, and utilizing fresh eggs contributes significantly to achieving this goal. Our experienced medical team will handle the fertilization process with care and expertise, ensuring that your treatment journey is well-supported and guided toward a positive result. 

Can the remaining embryos be frozen?

Absolutely, preserving the remaining good-quality embryos through freezing is a valuable option for future transfers. In cases where there are additional embryos beyond those transferred during the current treatment, we offer the opportunity to freeze these embryos through a process called cryopreservation.

By freezing these embryos, they can be stored for an extended period, ensuring their viability and quality are maintained. Should you wish to pursue further IVF cycles or require additional embryo transfers in the future, these frozen embryos can be thawed and utilized, saving you from undergoing the egg retrieval process again.

Cryopreservation of embryos offers a practical and effective way to preserve your fertility options, providing peace of mind and additional chances for success on your fertility journey. Our clinic employs advanced techniques for freezing and storing embryos, ensuring the best possible outcomes when it comes time to use them for future treatments. 

What happens if no eggs are collected from the donor?

In the event of unfortunate circumstances such as the failure to collect oocytes during egg retrieval, unsuccessful fertilization of the oocytes, or the unavailability of embryos for transfer, we want to assure you that we are committed to your journey towards parenthood. To address these situations, we have a policy in place that allows us to initiate another cycle with a new egg donor, and we do this at no additional cost to you.

Our priority is to support you through any challenges that may arise during the egg donation and embryo transfer process. We understand how crucial this journey is for you, and our team is dedicated to ensuring that you have the best chances of success.

Rest assured, our compassionate and experienced team will be with you every step of the way, providing the care and support you need to overcome any obstacles on your path to parenthood. 

Can I choose the donor? Will I get any information about her? How is she selected?

As per Czech Law, egg donation is strictly anonymous, and we adhere to this regulation in its entirety. Consequently, we are unable to provide any information about the egg donor, and you cannot personally choose a donor. Rest assured, our rigorous selection process ensures that all our donors are healthy women between the ages of 18 to 29 years, often students, who undergo comprehensive screening for infectious diseases and genetic conditions.

Our dedicated staff meticulously match each egg recipient with the most suitable donor, considering physical characteristics (phenotype) and blood group. Our aim is to find a donor whose appearance closely matches that of the egg recipient, creating a harmonious and natural match.

While you may not have direct access to the donor's information, we assure you that our priority is to optimize the chances of a successful outcome and provide you with the best possible donor match for your fertility treatment. Our experienced team is committed to supporting you through this journey and answering any questions you may have, ensuring your experience is as positive and stress-free as possible. 

Is it possible for the egg donor to discover the identity of any children born as a result of her egg donation?

No, egg and sperm donation procedures strictly adhere to a policy of complete anonymity.

Therefore, donors are not privy to the identity of the egg recipient or any children that may be born from their donation. The process ensures that both donors and recipients maintain confidentiality, and no personal information is disclosed between the parties involved. This anonymity is a crucial aspect of the donation process, protecting the privacy of all individuals and upholding ethical standards in fertility treatments.

Rest assured, the procedure is designed to provide a respectful and confidential environment for everyone involved. If you have any further inquiries or concerns, our team is readily available to address them and provide support throughout the process.

Is there any form of monetary compensation for egg donors?

While egg donation is considered an altruistic act, donors do receive a small amount of monetary compensation to acknowledge and compensate for any inconvenience they may experience during the process. This compensation is intended to cover expenses related to their time, effort, and any associated inconveniences.

It's important to note that the primary motivation for egg donation should be the desire to help others achieve their dream of having a family. The compensation provided is a gesture of appreciation for the donor's generosity and willingness to participate in the egg donation process. Our clinic ensures that all compensation adheres to legal and ethical guidelines, prioritizing the well-being and best interests of all parties involved. If you have any further questions or concerns about the egg donation process, our team is available to provide the necessary information and support. 

Is it possible to select the sex of the embryo to be transferred?

No, according to Czech law, choosing the sex of the embryo for transfer is not permitted.

However, there is an exception in cases where there is a family history of a genetic disease that specifically affects only one gender. In such situations, it is possible to have only embryos of the other gender transferred to avoid the risk of passing on the genetic disease.

Our clinic strictly adheres to all legal regulations and ethical guidelines related to fertility treatments, ensuring that all procedures are conducted in accordance with the law. If you have any questions or concerns about the treatment options available to you, our team will provide you with comprehensive information and guidance, supporting you throughout your fertility journey. 

When can I take the first pregnancy test?

The recommended time to take the first pregnancy test is 14 days after insemination or embryo transfer. Taking the test too early might result in a false negative, as the test can detect even low levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. However, false positives are rare, so a positive result can be celebrated with confidence.

For the most accurate results, we advise testing your urine in the morning since the concentration of hCG is typically higher at that time. Following this timeline for the pregnancy test helps ensure reliable and conclusive results, allowing you to proceed with the necessary steps in your fertility journey based on the outcome. Our team is here to support you through this process and provide any additional information or guidance you may need. 

Can we have sexual intercourse after sperm insemination?

Certainly! After sperm insemination, you are free to have sexual intercourse without any concerns. In fact, it is even recommended to engage in sexual intercourse in the evening before the insemination procedure. Rest assured that sexual activity after insemination does not invalidate the potential for a pregnancy.

The procedure of insemination is designed to enhance the chances of conception, and having sexual intercourse at the appropriate times can complement this process. Our clinic provides comprehensive guidance on the best practices and timing to optimize your fertility journey. If you have any further questions or need additional information, our team is available to provide the support and assistance you may require. 

Can we have sexual intercourse after embryo transfer?

After the embryo transfer, it is generally recommended that you wait for at least seven days before engaging in sexual intercourse. While there is no definitive scientific evidence supporting this specific timeframe, this precaution is commonly advised to ensure the best possible outcome for the embryo implantation.

The waiting period allows the embryo sufficient time to securely implant into the uterine lining without any potential disruption or interference. However, it's essential to note that individual circumstances may vary, and it's always best to follow the guidance provided by your fertility specialist.

Our clinic aims to provide personalized care and support throughout your fertility journey, offering advice tailored to your specific needs. If you have any further questions or require additional information, our team is readily available to assist you. Your well-being and the success of your treatment are of utmost importance to us. 

Is egg donation an option for single mothers?

Our clinic warmly welcomes official couples, whether married or unmarried women with partners, to receive treatment with us. As part of the standard procedure, couples are required to sign our treatment documents, confirming that they will be the parents of their future child born through our services.

However, it's important to note that, in compliance with the laws of the Czech Republic, we are unable to provide treatment for single women or homosexual couples. The current legislation prohibits such treatment for these specific groups.

While we understand that this limitation may be disappointing for some individuals, we are committed to upholding the legal guidelines and ethical principles governing fertility treatments in our country. Our clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and care to all eligible couples and individuals within the boundaries set by the law.

If you have any questions or need further information about our services and eligibility criteria, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here to provide you with the guidance and assistance you may require on your journey to parenthood. 

Unlock Your Pregnancy Potential



Address: 30 St Mary Axe, London EC3A 8BF, United Kingdom
Business Hours: 08:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. (London Time Zone) 

E-mail: info (@)